What Makes You Different
Part Nine

We went to the stage and she went right to the keyboard. She started playing. I listened to it. It sounded so familiar, yet I couldn't put my finger on it. I started to sing the song. I fit with the music perfectly. When she finished, I signed, 'It's perfect. You're a genius!' I kissed her. It finally came to me. It was the song she was playing when we first met at the video shoot. 'From now on, that's our song.' She smiled.

She rested her chin on my shoulder and placed her mouth near my ear. Ever so quietly, barely a whisper, if that, she said, "I love you." It was the first time I had ever heard her voice except when she laughed. I though she didn't know how to say stuff anymore. 'Before you say anything,' she signed, after she had stepped back to see my shocked face, 'Marissa tried to teach me how to say I love you. Now you know what I sound like. Things have
really gotten better thanks to you. You've turned my life around in so many ways you don't even know. You can't even begin to know. Thank you for always being there. You're my life, Nick. Without you, I don't know how I'd survive.'

'I love you.' I held onto her close to my body. I felt her heart beating next to mine in unison. I was so lucky to have found her. I was hers and she was mine. We were meant to be together forever.

Well, today is the 28th of April and Alex and my's 5th anniversary. These past years have been great and I look forward to spending 5 times 55 more years with her. The night of our wedding was amazing, and every night since has been too.

I'm still touring with the Backstreet Boys. We're still making records and doing what we do best, sing. As for Alex, she's working too. She's the director of personel at St. Clarie's Memorial Hospital, thankfully, she's not a doctor who has to work extreme hours and be there 24-7. She works 9-3 and can leave when she wants to (a.k.a. travel with the band) and work from the privacy of a laptop on
the tour bus. On the side, she coaches the Lady Cougars High School Varsity Girls Basketball Team. They were state runner-ups last year and are looking for a state title this year.

Well, I have to go. Savannah Noel, has a doctor's appointment in 20 minutes! I'm late! She's going to be 3 this fall. She's so beautiful, just like her mother. I love them both so much. They're my family, I can't believe I have a family of my own. I still am in shock every time I think about the day we brought Savannah home from the hospital. So much has happen the past 7 years of my life. I
love every bit of it. Most of all, I love my girl, the one who makes me complete, Alex. Alex, I love you. Never forget it. "Because without you, I'm incomplete. Everytime that I am down, you put me back on my feet. As long as you're by my side, I have nothing to hide. But when you're not here
with me, I'm incomplete."


Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine

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